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  • Writer's pictureKayaan Desai

The Story Which Gives Shiver Down The Spine

It was normal day at Terry Jones's bungalow.. His dad’s name was Sammy Jones and his mother’s name was Felica Jones. They were one of the richest families in the state. Actually we don’t know if they were the richest family in the world but they were pretty rich. First, let me introduce Terry Jones. He was only 12 years old and was really interested in the studies. He always tops his class.

It was afternoon and after lunch Terry’s parents him that they were going out and would come back by tomorrow afternoon. Terry didn’t bother and told them ok. Then his mom told him that she had called a babysitter for him. Terry was shocked. But he knew that he couldn’t stop them so told them “All right fine.” Just after his parents left, the babysitter arrived Her r name was Fenny Johnson. When she said hi to Terry, Terry noticed something.All of her teeth were purple and her tongue was green.When Terry asked Fenny about it she was shocked that he had noticed it and was going to know soon that she was actually an alien not a babysitter. She made up an excuse and told him that she had just eaten skittles on the way to his home. “ Ok no problem”, said Terry. Fenny sighed with relief. Then Fenny asked him if he wanted to watch some T.V. or play board games. And of course Terry told her that he wanted to play board games. After playing a couple of games they ate some snacks and then watched T.V. but as said before Terry loves studies so he kept something related to studies so Fenny was getting bored and she was lucky enough that she had brought her phone fully charged but unfortunately she forgot to bring her charger as we know the Fenny is a alien so on her mobile everything was really spooky in our normal ives we have Tik Tok but they have Aliens Rock. While both of them were watching screen Terry took a peep in Fenny’s phone and he saw that all of the videos were of aliens so he excused Fenny for 2 minutes and went in his room and made a plan to remove her from the house after making the plan he came down and told her for dinner they ordered food from outside and ate it but after eating and clearing the table Fenny started to vomit all of the food she had eaten and Terry knew that this food wasn’t good for her. That was one of the plan of Terry Jones see how smart is he.Then after all of this happened they got fresh and both of them went to sleep. Terry went into his room and Fenny into the guest room but Terry was really scared that what will happen to the guest room because Fenny was sleeping over there. So Terry went over there to check and that night was a really spooky as it was raining cats and dogs so he went slowly into the guest room and saw Fenny destroying everything and writing I want Terry I want Terry and after reading that Terry literally freaked out and then he got to know that the guard was checking the guest room and then Fenny just gobbled up the guard and the room was slowly filling up with blood after watching this Terry couldn’t bear all of tis and see all of this afterwards he got to know that Fenny had more 5-10 friends of her so that she could gobble up all of them then she opened a window from the guest room and a lot of mosquitoes and insects all over the blood and the most creepy thing was that after she gobbles up the body she spits out the whole body only with the bones so basically Fenny eats up the skin and then spits out the body with the bones so all of the bees and etc… were roaming around the dead body bones Terry even pinched himself to see if he was dreaming or not and after all he got to know that he was not dreaming so Terry went to his room to find his plan sheet but that was missing too so it must be sure that Fenny must have eaten it up and after he called the police Fenny entered his room but then Terry was in full tension there were even mosquitoes, insects and bees roaming around her and then Fenny told her how was my acting so Terry got a thought that Fenny was just acting all of this?! But the Fenny completed her sentence by saying of baby sitting so she was just acting for babysitting till now. Soon Fenny told Terry that now it is your turn for getting gobbled up so then Terry almost got a Heart Attack but at the same time the police arrived and arrested Fenny and took her to the jail. The police thanked Terry for informing them about this case and gave him an appreciation token. Once the police went Terry started to clean the guest room but he was uck enough that Fenny had eaten up the strong crunchy bones of everyone. After cleaning it was around 5-6 in the morning so he just went to sleep and their parents arrived early as they read about Terry in the news but Terry was asleep once he woke up he saw his parents eating lunch down and went to them. Their parents told them come on let us clean the guest room but Terry told them already done that is why I woke up so late. Once the police wen I cleaned up the guest room and then slept at around 5-6 in the morning then Sammy Jones and Felica Jones told Terry that they will never leave him alone at home and they also gave him a present as he had cleaned up the guest room and defeat the Alien Baby Sitter Fenny Johnson and from then on the all have lived a happy not dangerous life.

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